Imre Hild

Imre has been working in the fields of startup development and access to the international market since 2009. He believes in practical knowledge, all of his advice and insights are based on personal experiences and the concrete successes of his clients. From the enterpreneuring Hungary in the 1990s - through many entrepreneurial adventures - he arrived overseas to make up for the missing years of higher education at Cornell University, after which he plunged into the corporate world at Lehman Brothers as a commercial mortgage-backed securitization banker. He broke up with Lehman and the corporate lifestyle in 2003, returned to Hungary where he founded Hild Life Annuity in 2004 and OTP Life Annuity in 2005, and by this he created the portfolio-based annuity industry in Hungary. The industry also became successful, with a combined market value of the two companies reaching $ 200 million by the time of the crisis of the credit market in 2009. After that, Imre worked with venture capital companies, where in 2012 he founded and managed iCatapult, a Budapest-based tech startup business development and accelerator company. From 2015 he was the acceleration partner of Digital Factory. In 2018, he held 60 lecture courses for more than 200 companies in the international market through the year, and in the same year, working within a European Union organization, EIT he began to develop its headquarters in Israel. The aim of that was to bring European ecosystem actors into contact with the Israeli ecosystem that was working exemplary and learn how they operate to be able to develop their own ecosystems better. Imre is currently the CEO of Óbuda Uni Venture Capital Zrt..

In the last ten years, Imre has worked with several startups since the first moment of their establishment, and summarizes his work with the total value of these companies that exceeds the market value of HUF 15 billion today. - although, of course, he played only an advisory and mentoring role in these companies, and he was not the owner of them.

Imre places a strong emphasis on communities in business development and networking - In 2008, he was a co-founder of IvyPlus, a social, informal gathering for anyone with an American degree and those who decided to live in Hungary. In addition to helping companies and entrepreneurs, Imre is intensively involved in many aspects of the Hungarian innovation startup ecosystem, He has been the international mentor of SeedCamp, the Balkan Venture Forum, Startup Bootcamp and MIT Mentor Labs, and works extensively with Hungarian universities and incubators. As the head of the Startup Division of the Hungarian Innovation Association, he often works with state actors on ecosystem and venture capital issues, and represents the ecosystem abroad.


5 video

  • Successfully in international markets
  • Why and how does it worth to appear in international markets?
  • Everything you need to know about international networking!
  • Methodology of the effective market research
  • Discover the world of online marketplaces!



CED Central European Economic Development Network Nonprofit Ltd.

15-23 Kacsa utca, 1027 Budapest, Hungary

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