The Gedeon Rohonczy Program

Invitation to competition

The CED Central European Economic Development Network Nonprofit Ltd. launches a mentoring program for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the Highlands. The call for the competition can be found at the following link: Invitation to competition

Applications are welcome to the following e-mail address:

A program korábbi eseményei

Tisztelt Érdeklődő!
A CED ügyvezetőjeként küldetésünknek tartom, hogy biztosítsuk a magyar vállalkozások számára a külpiacra lépéshez szükséges szakmai hátteret és eszközrendszert.  Ezen belül is külön figyelmet fordítunk a fiatal vállalkozói szféra megerősítésére, hiszen az ő sikerük kiemelt fontosságú a jövő tekintetében. Éppen ezért tartom a CED életében egy fontos mérföldkőnek a Rohonczy Gedeon Mentorprogram elindítását, amely keretében felkészült és szakmailag elismert mentorcsapattal karöltve dolgozhatunk nem csak a magyarországi, hanem immár a felvidéki fiatal magyar vállalkozók sikereiért is. Képzéseink érintik egyebek mellett a termékfejlesztés, az arculat, a hatékony értékesítési csatornák, vagy éppen a tárgyalástechnika témakörét, így biztosítva a komplex tudásanyag megszerzésének lehetőségét.

Várjuk jelentkezését a mentorprogramba!
Csík László

Gedeon Rohonczy (Pest-Buda, 15th of January 1852 – Budapest, 14th of October 1929) was a parliamentarian and a landowner. Most of his estates were in the then Bács-Bodrog county, around Törökbecse (now Novi Becej, Serbia).
He soon realized that he had to produce better quality than existing products and export them to Europe's leading retail chains and restaurants using a proper marketing. He introduced the grape variety brought from North Africa to his estate in Gyöngysziget, from which the famous crocan wine is made to this day and as a result of his breeding, the melon variety of the Tisza pearl melon was born, from which the island also got its name.
He produced high-quality products, and with the best packaging and marketing of that age, he achieved that the leading restaurants and luxury shops in France and Germany bought from him.

The goal of the program

The goal of the mentoring program is to support the stay and prosperity of people living in the Highlands, to strengthen family farms, to increase the business efficiency of economic actors by increasing the employment and the number of the supplier opportunities.

The direct goal of the mentoring program is to professionally support the chosen companies, to increase their business efficiency and competitiveness. The Gedeon Rohonczy Program helps start-up entrepreneurs working in the market of organic production and enhanced-quality products and professionally develop independent and self-sustaining businesses, which produce and place outstanding Hungarian products on the international markets.

The Mentors of the Program

Rohonczy Gedeon mentoring program

CED Central European Economic Development Network Nonprofit Ltd.

15-23 Kacsa utca, 1027 Budapest, Hungary

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