CEDucation Conference

The CED Ltd.organized its business development training in Budapest for the first time under the title CEDucation Conference. The Budapest leg of the training series, which is already very popular throughout the Central European region, was held with a full house, and the lectures and discussions covered almost all aspects of entrepreneurship.
CEDucation, one of the most popular service elements of CED Central European Economic Development Network Nonprofit Ltd., has reached another milestone. The free business development training series was organized for the first time as a full-day conference reflecting on almost all challenges affecting businesses.
There was huge interest in the free program, and the free places sold out two weeks before the event. The training series, which was launched two years ago, was organized in several rural and cross-border locations before the Budapest conference, so its themes and range of speakers were built on the experiences and feedback of the participants.
The CEDucation Conference consisted of interactive lectures and a round table discussion with the participation of managers of state-owned companies that help Hungarian businesses enter and position themselves in the foreign market.
The lectures covered, among other things, the topics of effective marketing strategies, the possibilities of entering the foreign market, the smooth generational change, or getting to know consumer trends. What can we help companies with? - round table discussion on export, foreign market and business development, and during the discussion, the leaders of CED, HEPA and AMC presented the service portfolio of the companies they represent and the opportunities provided by state companies.
Tibor Metykó, Marketing and Communications Director of Euronics, Krisztán Steigervald, generation researcher, businessman and investor Levente Balogh, president of Szentkirályi Magyarország, export development consultant Judit László, and Imre Hild, CEO of Óbuda Uni Venture Capital, gave a presentation at the event.
"We organized a meaningful and, we hope, useful conference for the participants as well, during which we tried to convey all the important knowledge and professional background - all presented through good practices and examples to follow - that facilitates the dynamic development of Hungarian companies and their successful entry into the foreign market. I am convinced that Hungarian businesses are capable of creating an internationally competitive product or service that will help them stand out on a global level. I am confident that today's conference can also help them achieve their goals," said László Csík, CED's managing director.
Training continues across the border
After the Budapest Conference, CEDucation goes on a tour beyond the country's borders again, including Transylvania and the Highlands. More information about the individual events, as well as additional free educational videos, are available at www.ced.hu/cedukacio.